Information Technology

IT Photo

As a City we are dedicated to delivering high quality, cost-effective services to city departments and the community. Modern solutions and users at all levels, both inside and outside of the organization, demand information be open, organized, meaningful, and reusable.

Responsible for sustaining a multi-year, bold vision, the Information Technology department works to design, implement, manage, and support the City’s information, network, communication, and application systems.

IT strives to enable an efficient and productive City workforce and build a digitally equitable community, using these services to connect staff and constituents alike, to their government. IT will continue to lead the City of San Jacinto to the best possible solutions for data-driven decisions, public transparency, and creating the platforms on which future services and solutions can be built.


Contact Us

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City Hall Address
595 S San Jacinto Ave.
San Jacinto CA 92583

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(951) 487-7330

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Hours of Operation:
8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.