HARP Outreach
Homeless At-Risk Population Outreach
The City of San Jacinto's outreach programming is a compassionate wrap-around Homeless Solutions services plan that aims to achieve functional zero homelessness. With an emphasis in also preventing and helping the at-risk communities, this approach requires a whole community to service San Jacinto.
The City’s efforts include:
The City is currently performing a community needs assessment, in order to appropriately serve the homeless and at-risk community. Our goal is to serve those that have been affected by homelessness and those that are at-risk. Check back for updates!
Areas of Focus:
Partnering with law enforcement, faith-based organizations, and community partners that help bring and connect the community to resources, proactive outreach, and community education initiatives.
Use of Problem-Oriented Policing (POP) which responds to on an individual basis to prevent and respond to illegal activity.
Education. The City strives to educate the community about appropriate avenues for helping those affected by homelessness.This includes providing collateral to assist in community education. Ensuring that our business community and residents understand of specific factors that impact the homeless community which may include:
- Mental illness
- Addiction
- Disability
- Unwillingness to accept help
- Lack of access to family or other social support
- Involvement in prior illegal activity
Participating in the Annual Point In Time count which helps provide a snapshot of data to support a data-driven approach to programming. policies and outreach initiatives.
The HARP Outreach is a multi-disciplinary, multi-departmental team that includes:
City Net: Provides street level outreach, emergency housing services, and case management
Riverside County Sheriff's Department: Two dedicated deputies that focus and are trained to help HARP and with enforcement
San Jacinto Code Enforcement: Provides help with contacting property owners, enforces municipal code
Public Utilities: Provides support with encampment clean up, illegal dumping, graffiti and vandalism in public spaces
Vital Partnerships: Housing and Workforce Solutions, Riverside County Animal Control, 412, Riverside University Health Systems (RUHS), Riverside County Probation, Flood Control, Supervisor Gutierrez's Office, FSA, Care Portal, Just Serve and many many more...