Estudillo Heritage Park
Water Conservation Education Garden
The water-wise garden in Estudillo Heritage Park has been designed with water conservation in mind. The purpose of this garden is to educate our community about the beauty and water-saving benefits of planting drought tolerant and native California plants. The garden was designed primarily with California native plants. However, there are also plants from around the world that thrive in out Southern California climate.

The garden is roughly divided into climate regions: Desert, Inland, Chaparral, Coastal and Mediterranean or Southern California. These divisions are not strict and plants are aesthetically mixed throughout the Garden. However the plants are grouped by similar water needs. Each of these areas is irrigated differently to demonstrate the various water-wise ways to irrigate gardens in our region. Click
here to learn more about the Water Conservation Education Garden.
The Francisco Estudillo Heritage Park is the site of many City-sponsored events. The Museum and grounds, along with the Water Conversation Education Garden are open Saturdays only from 10 am to 3 pm.
Check out these sites on more information on how to conserve water:
Check out these sites for water saving tips
and information:
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