Economic Development

The City of San Jacinto's Economic Development Department is positioned within the City Manager's Office at City Hall. The department functions as the liaison between city government and the development community. San Jacinto is a business-friendly city devoted to helping businesses grow and succeed, increasing the job base for residents, and improving the economic well-being and quality of life for all. 

The Economic Development Department administers a variety of economic development programs and services that support businesses and residents in the City of San Jacinto. The Development Team, which includes staff from various departments, is involved in business retention and attraction activities, business networking, marketing, workforce development, tourism and project support. 

ED Snapshot 11/2024

Navigating the commercial real estate market can be challenging, but with the GIS Planning & ZoomProspector Platform, you're not alone. This platform is dedicated to helping you find the perfect space that not only meets your business requirements, but also positions you for success in San Jacinto. Begin your search today and discover the ideal property to grow your business.

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Tara Magner
Economic Development &
Special Projects Administrator

Economic Development Department

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City Hall: 

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(951) 487-7330 

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Hours of Operation:
Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Closed Fridays, Weekends, and Holidays 

595 S. San Jacinto Avenue
San Jacinto, CA 92583