Pursuant to California Government Code Section 6250, the California Public Records Act (CPRA), the City of San Jacinto will respond to all public records requests and supports the public's right to access the public records created and maintained by the City in the course of its normal business. Any person or member of the public may inspect or receive a copy of identifiable public records. The CPRA defines a "member of the public" as "any person, except a member, agent, officer, or employee of a federal, state, or local agency acting within the scope of his or her membership, agency, office, or employment." (Government Code Section 6252 (b)) A member of the public may also include other public agencies. A "person" as defined by CPRA "includes any natural person, corporation, partnership, limited liability company, firm, or association." (Government Code Section 6252 (c))
Public records are accessible at all times during regular office hours and may be inspected at no charge. In many cases, the City Clerk's office is able to provide readily available records immediately upon request. Some records requested under the provisions of the Public Records Act may require the staff's careful examination to ensure that the documentation provided is complete. Once a request is received, the CPRA allows a period of 10 calendar days to determine whether the request seeks disclosable public records (Government Code Section 6253 (c)). This does not mean that documents will need to be produced to the requester within 10 days. If additional time is needed, in "unusual circumstances," the City may take up to 14 additional days to determine whether the request seeks disclosable public records (Government Code Section 6253 (c)).
Requests can be emailed to the Records Clerk or dropped off at City Hall during business office hours.
City Hall Information:
Address: 595 S. San Jacinto Ave.
San Jacinto CA 92583
Phone: (951)487-7330 x 322
Email: [email protected]