The Office of the City Clerk is multi-functioned and interacts daily with the City Council, City Manager, all Administrative Departments, other agencies, and the public.
The statutes of the State of California governs the fundamental duties of this department, which include, but are not limited to, the maintenance of all permanent records of the City such as Council actions, ordinances, resolutions, contracts/agreements, deeds, and easements, to name a few.
The Government Code and Election Code prescribes specific procedures and responsibilities for the City Clerk's office.
The City Clerk prepares the agendas, prepares proclamations, legal notices, is the custodian of the City Seal, receives all claims and filings on behalf of the City, and is generally the main source of information for staff and public alike. The City Clerk also serves as the Election Official and further serves as the local Filing Official for the Fair Political Practices Commission.
Records Management
As a Records Manager, the City Clerk's office oversees the preservation and protection of public records as the custodian of many records of the City, including ordinances, resolutions, minutes of City Council and Planning Commission, election-related documents, campaign disclosure filings and documents, Statements of Economic Interests, and many others.