covid19: Resources and Information

Covid 19 Banner

Public Health Link       Press Release Link    Office on Aging Button 

The City encourages residents to monitor Riverside County Public Health for the latest updates in our region The City recommends the following protective measures against the coronavirus published by WHO and the CDC. The City is heeding the advice coming from the experts at Riverside County Public Health, the CDC, and the World Health Organization. 

Most Recent News Updates: 

NEW 01/26/2021: UPDATE: Public Health Officials Lift Regional Stay at Home Order for All Regions
Today, the California Department of Public Health ended the Regional Stay at Home Order. This action allows counties to return to the rules and framework of the Blueprint for a Safer Economy and color-coded tiers that indicate which activities and businesses are open based on local case rates and test positivity. Riverside County remains in the strictest tier (purple), but lifting the stay at home order eases some restrictions. Services and activities, such as outdoor dining and personal services, may resume immediately with required modifications:
• Hair Salons & Barbershops - Open Indoors with modifications
• All Retail. Note that standalone grocers continue to operate as before these changes. (Max 25% capacity)
• Shopping Centers (Malls, Destination Centers, Swap Meets) - Open Indoors with modifications (Max 25% capacity)
• Nail Salons - Open Indoors with modifications
• Restaurants - Outdoor only with modifications
Visit CA Dept of Public Health and Riverside County Public Health to learn more: and

08/04/2020: City Council Extends Urgency Ordinance for Outdoor Dining and Other uses.
During the August 4th council meeting the members of the council voted 5- 0 in favor to extend the Urgency Ordinance that allows outdoor dining, as well as extending this use for other small businesses such as barbershops, salons, nails shops (under the guidance of the state regulations). Read more.  Special Temporary Outdoor Dining Procedures: Download Guide

July 7th, 2020: Street Sweeping Enforcement to Resume 08/03/2020
In mid-March, the San Jacinto City Council suspended street sweeping enforcement as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  As the City begins to gradually open up, enforcement of posted parking restrictions for the City of San Jacinto’s Street Sweeping Program will resume on August 3, 2020.  As of August 3, 2020 citations will be issued to vehicles parked on streets during posted street sweeping times.  Residents should review the street sweeping signs posted at the entrance of neighborhoods to determine the street sweeping day to avoid fines.  Street sweeping improves the City by removing trash from the neighborhoods and prevents harmful pollutants from affecting downstream watersheds.  Cooperation is appreciated.  If residents have any questions, please contact City Staff at (951) 487-7330 or visit the City’s website for more street sweeping information at

City Hall Information Banner

During this time, staff continues to perform its duties in serving the public; however and in the abundance of caution, public walk-ins are not available until further notice. The health of our employees is important to us, and to ensure that we as a staff can continue to serve the residents and business community, please have patience with us during this time.

City staff will continue to operate between the hours of 8 am – 5 pm, Monday thru Thursday, and all essential services continue, as well as after-hour issues regarding water and sewer maintenance issues.  The City’s Department of Water, Power, and Public Works after-hours on-call team will continue to respond to issues in the field concerning the health and safety of our residents.

Water payments can be made via credit card on the City’s website (you can click on the link to de redirected to that page) or by phone 1(877) 260-7818, check or money orders can be used for payment by submitting payment to the designated drop box located on 6th street side of the City Hall parking lot.

Per Executive Order N-42-20, water shutoffs for non-payment have been suspended for residential or small businesses in the critical infrastructure sectors.

Development applications, plan check, and building check payments can be made via the City’s website  To make an appointment, please contact the Planning Department at 951-487-7330.

Building inspections will continue to be handled via the building inspection phone system by calling 951-487-7330 to schedule an inspection.

**A 60-day extension will be applied to all permits and applications.  Any other extension of time request will be handled on a case by case basis.  Please contact 951-487-7330 for the correct department to speak with regarding a request for an extension.

Business License payments can be made via the City’s website, or checks or money orders can be used for payment by submitting payment to the drop box located on the 6th street side of the City Hall parking lot.  Please contact Finance for information regarding obtaining a Business License 951-487-7330 or visit the City’s website for more information.

 NEW InfoStreet Sweeping: In mid-March, the San Jacinto City Council suspended street sweeping enforcement as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.  As the City begins to gradually open up, enforcement of posted parking restrictions for the City of San Jacinto’s Street Sweeping Program will resume August 3, 2020.  As of August 3, 2020 citations will be issued to vehicles parked on streets during posted street sweeping times.  Residents should review the street sweeping signs posted at the entrance of neighborhoods to determine the street sweeping day to avoid fines.  Street sweeping improves the City by removing trash from the neighborhoods and prevents harmful pollutants from affecting downstream watersheds.  Cooperation is appreciated.  If residents have any questions, please contact the City at (951) 487-7330 or visit the City’s website for more street sweeping information at

CitizenRequest Portal:  This portal allows you to report potholes, code violations, file a public records request, graffiti water issues.  Click Here


Current City Facilities that are closed: 

City Hall (Closed to the public, Staff is still working, Appointments only, Call 951-487-7330 for more information)
Community Center  (Until further notice)
Sallee Park Recreation Facility  (Until further notice)
Estudillo Mansion and Museum  (Until further notice)
All-City Parks and Restrooms: Parks are now open with restrictions. Bathrooms will remain closed. 

San Jacinto Public Library: 

the Riverside County Library System will be opening up the County Libraries in two phases, starting with express service on June 22nd. The express service will allow patrons to continue to reserve their books and materials online as well as by calling their respective libraries. They will receive a scheduled date and time to retrieve their reserved materials, similar to a retail curbside service that we have become accustomed to. Our book drops will be open as well for returns. Staff will retrieve the books and materials daily and quarantine the items for 72 hours in the community room before adding them back to the collection. 

Digital resources remain available 24/7 at, including e-books and audiobooks, movie and music services, and digital subscriptions to newspapers and magazines, plus much more.

 Contact City Hall:

*City Hall is currently closed to the public, and staff is available via phone and email.* 
 phone icon
(951) 487-7330  
 clock icon
Hours of Operation: 
Monday- Thursday 
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. 

Riverside County Public Health Links: 

Volunteer Button    Donate Button   Health Violation Button
211 hotline